Friday, December 12, 2014

Promising Practices

Getting myself up for Promising practices on a Saturday was definitely tough but it was well worth it after getting up and starting the day. When I was walking up to the door I really hoped to see some people from class, and I did which was nice. After a few words from some people we were off to our first sessions of the day. As I went into Gaige I went up into my old math room for Why STEM out when you can STEAM ahead? Where a RIC student told us about a lesson that she planned for a fifth grade class that would have the students “ Create a roller costar model and a marble to move on based on what they know about forces ex. How can they make the marble go faster or slower in order to create a specific track.” She showed us pictures where students used art to draw their designs before they created them and after to show how their design change or stayed the same based on how well the did their original designs.
            After she presented her lesson and her results she had the supplies from the project for us to try. Ashley and me created a really nice successful coaster. It was a great seminar and I really liked how she proved that art is important. As someone who enjoys art it was nice seeing someone from a different discipline trying to integrate it as people are trying to push it away due to budget cuts in some communities.
            For my second seminar I met up with Anthony, Branden, and Lindsey for Using Technology in Early Childhood Classrooms. This was a small shock because it was a misprint on the signup site that had it labeled tech K-12. Although it was center around elementary I didn’t mind because that is my major. They talked about a lot of ways to integrate technology into the classroom, some that I have seen before and
others that I have not. I really like the smart board games that they had to play, the games were also really educational.

            For the final piece we went back for the keynote speaker Dr. Christopher Emdin who talked about hip-hop education and ways to better educate in urban societies. I really enjoyed everything he had to say and would recommend the video link to anyone who else in the education department because I feel that it is a useful bit of information. Overall, I had a good time at Promising Practices

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